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"We are all connected at the root. It is a connection that can be severed, but also made whole once more. A root mended by they who are chosen."

Argonians are the reclusive reptilian natives of Black Marsh, a vast swampland province in southeastern Tamriel.


The other races often refer to them as lizards or the Lizard Folk instead, especially when meaning to be derogatory. They are known as the foremost experts in guerrilla warfare throughout Tamriel.


A reputation brought upon them by defending their borders from enemies for countless centuries. They have a connection to the Hist, a race of sentient trees.

When roleplaying as an Argonian in The Elder Scrolls, it's important to embrace their reptilian nature and the distinctive culture of Black Marsh. Create a character hailing from this marshy province and choose a name that reflects their Argonian heritage. Physically embody an Argonian with scales, a tail, and unique head frills, varying in color and pattern.

As an Argonian, you can excel in various playstyles. Emphasize their natural stealth abilities and affinity for water by specializing in skills such as sneaking, lockpicking, and archery. Alternatively, focus on magic and restoration skills, harnessing the power of the Hist to heal and protect.

Immerse yourself in Argonian culture by exploring their deep connection to the Hist, the sentient trees that shape their society. Engage in quests that showcase their adaptability, resourcefulness, and resilience. Learn about their religious beliefs, including the significance of the Hist sap and the Dreaming ritual. Embrace the enigmatic nature of the Argonians, allowing it to influence your roleplaying choices and interactions within the vast world of The Elder Scrolls.

HEIGHT LIMIT: 168 - 192

LANGUAGES: Tamrielic, Jel

Racial Traits

Argonians can naturally breath underwater.


Poison and Disease Immunity

Argonians are naturally immune to all poisons and diseases.

Calling upon the hist, Argonians can gain half their health back.


Argonians gain a natural +2 to one handed blades.



Protective Skin

Saxheel have scales that protect them from damage when not in armor. This gives them a natural +5 armor when not wearing armor.



Saxheel have a bite attack that does 1d6 damage.


While this is not a LIMITED slot, Naga are uncommon and thus will be turned down if too many are on the server at a time.


Improved Bite

Naga have a stronger bite than their Saxheel cousins. When they bite they do a 2d6 damage to their opponent.


Improved Scales

Naga have heavy scales that protect them from damage when not in armor. This gives them a natural +8 armor when not wearing armor.


The Argonian allegory known as the Parable of Becoming states that the Hist found the humanoid forms of Men and Mer useful, molding the form of the swamp’s lizards after them to create Argonians.  Some scholars believe that the Ancestor Lizards are what Argonians were uplifted from.  Adding to this theory, the Argonian Mere-Glim had a vision while on Umbriel; in this vision, Mere-Glim experienced the life of a lizard every day until the root and the taste of Hist sap came, transforming both his body and mind.  Similarly, theories exist that state that the Hist also mimicked the forms of the mounts of both men and mer, creating lizard-steeds for the purpose of being used by Argonians to ride long distances through the Marsh.

Argonians believe that their souls were given to them by the Hist according to the Lizard Folk, there was nothing before the Hist.  Because of this the souls of the Saxhleel(Their name spoken in their tongue.) contain unique qualities that sets them apart from the souls of men and mer.  Most Argonians are able to feel the presence of the Hist in their minds at all times, but the further they travel from Black Marsh, the weaker the connection gets.  Some Argonians can even be born without this connection, and are viewed by others of their kind as disadvantaged because they can't understand the most simple of Argonian gestures.

Although Argonians appear reptilian in nature at first glance, they also exhibit qualities of fish, amphibians, and even birds: they are able to breathe underwater through gills, some swim using the same method as that of a tadpole or eel by moving their tail side-to-side to propel through the water, and they are capable of growing feathers.  Some Argonians have webbed hands and feet, which serve to propel them through the water while swimming.  The membranes that connect these individuals' fingers are translucent.  Argonians don't sweat.  Because of their gills, Saxhleel cannot drown.  Argonians have tough snake-like skin, though it is not as strong as alligator skin or armor.  They occasionally undergo molting, the process of shedding their scales to make way for new ones.


Horns and fins are examples of cosmetic traits that are endemic to Saxhleel anatomy.  Their fins can vibrate, and make a low humming sound if they move fast enough. Argonians put on a threatening display by expanding their fins and hissing.  Their fins can be drawn back tight to reduce their visibility to hostile entities, allowing for more effective sneaking.  Some fins assist the individual in swift swimming.  The Saxhleel have spines above their brow, which they raise for various reasons.  Argonians use their spines to express their emotions.

Sensory organs are also an aspect of Argonian anatomy that differs from that of Tamriel's other inhabitants. Some Argonians have membranes with which they use to blink, as opposed to using eyelids.
  Argonians secrete pheromones whose scent can indicate their mood.  For instance, one who is incited to anger may emit a sharp, sulfurous scent that raises the heart rate of those in close proximity.  When tickled under the chin, they will reflexively open their jaws.  Argonians have a crop from which they can regurgitate food hours after consumption.


Argonians have a lifespan similar to that of humans.  Exceedingly old Argonians will find patches of their scales becoming translucent.  They also develop wrinkles when they grow old, not unlike other sapient races.  As they age, their snouts turn grey; very old Argonians have white noses.  Argonian voices tend to be gravelly, and some speak slowly. Particularly old individuals may speak with a voice like creaking leather.

Argonian genders are sometimes referred to as life-phases. The female life-phase is highly intelligent, and gifted in the magical arts. The more aggressive male phase reportedly embodies the traits of a hunter: stealth, speed, and agility.





Long ago, Argonians lived in giant stone pyramids (called xanmeers) that extended all across Black Marsh. This era is known to scholars as the "stone-nest period." During this time, Argonian society was ruled by influential priest-kings.

The ancient Argonians (sometimes referred to as "the Old Ones" by the Saxhleel) were capable of great feats, creating magical defenses that remained both functional and effective well into the Second Era.  It is theorized ancient Argonian society was more advanced and unified prior to Duskfall.  However, a competing theory has been proposed that the ancient Argonians' trade connections simply reached farther than what was previously believed.  The ancient Argonians were adept at metalworking and often used volcanic glass in their weaponry, the latter of which suggests they frequently ventured into what is now Morrowind.  Some of their work was possibly even inspired by Dwemer designs.  The ancient Argonians used vakka stones to power some of their relics and devices.

The ancient Argonians viewed Sithis as a destroyer.  They feared change and Sithis' destructive force.  As a representation of this ideology, they built vast stone pyramids, known as xanmeers, to withstand the test of time. Fearing Sithis to this extent could explain why the old priests of Sithis were able to retain a position of power in Argonian society in the pre-Duskfall period.  Sithis had a more central role in this old society, and the ceremonies dedicated to Sithis were also different, including blood sacrifices.  Unsurprisingly, there was resistance to Duskfall among the Sithis priesthood, with some of them taking extreme measures to halt the approaching change.  One priestess of Sithis named Shuxaltsei managed to return briefly in 2E 582 and attempted to reclaim her temple in Murkmire.

The ruins within Tsofeer Cavern, the Tomb of Many Spears, the Xinchei-Konu Monument and the Teeth of Sithis are examples of buildings from the pre-Duskfall era.  The Xinchei-Konu was an ancient calendar that shows how the Argonians viewed time and tried to fight against the change, for example by manipulating the weather.  The Teeth of Sithis is an old temple of Sithis, and possibly the largest known.  Modern Argonians consider both the construction of the stone xanmeers and their predecessors' fearful devotion to Sithis as a result of a flawed belief system, as it only saw Sithis as a destroyer and not a creator as well.  Eventually, this society collapsed in a period known as Duskfall.

What Duskfall was, exactly, is largely unclear. Sources largely describe it poetically, such as "The Hist led the way" and "the Hist revealed the true path", implying the Hist trees were involved in some way with the event.  Interestingly, the Hist seemed to have some forewarning of the events to come prior to Duskfall, and not all were in agreement of how best to handle the approaching change.  At least one Hist tree sought to keep their tribe safe from these changes by forming a pact with Molag Bal to wait out Duskfall within Coldharbour and preserve its people's traditions.  The Hist tree of Mazzatun disagreed with its bretheren, and instructed its children to build a sprawling city of stone forever instead of teaching them to adapt to the changes.  The Hist trees that remained ceased all communication with the Argonian people for an indeterminate amount of time following Duskfall.  It wasn't until the Argonian Jaraleet rediscovered a method of communication that communion between the Argonians and the Hist finally resumed.  Unfortunately, the secrets of Duskfall remained lost even after this, with the Hist trees either having lost the knowledge of Argonians from that era of their history, or simply refusing to share it.

Argonian culture went through a paradigm shift as a result of Duskfall.  Having previously viewed Sithis as a destructive force and living in fear of it, the Saxhleel now started to recognize Sithis not only as destruction, but also change.  Simultaneously, they adapted a more cyclical view of time.  The Argonians believed that the fear of death and impermanence, which they call "shunatei", is the reason both the ancient Argonians and the other civilizations insist on building giant stone cities.  Modern Argonians believe that by building impermanent structures, they conquer shunatei and become one with Change, or Sithis.



Most, if not all Argonian tribes revere and build their lives around a Hist tree.  They ingest its sap during rituals, lay their eggs among its roots, and often live according to the Hist's will.  Tribes that build their lives around a Hist often do so literally, as they construct their settlements around the Hist.  The Hist guides them, and its people serve it in kind.

The Argonian way of solving disputes differs from that of the Imperial province. Murkmire, for instance, doesn't have laws; at least not in a sense understood by outsiders. Small disputes are handled by an arbitrator of both parties' choosing.  This can be anyone, though it tends to be the tribe's tree-minder.


Argonian leaders known as tree-minders tend to the tribe's Hist and seek its wisdom through communication with the tree. On rare occasions, the Hist may speak directly with an individual, though most tree-minders can interpret signs sent by the Hist.  Tree-minders can feel when something is wrong with their Tree.  Occasionally, that something may be physically harming the Hist, such as sapthief beetles, but other times, it can be something deeper.  If something is wrong with the eggs in the uxith or the Tree senses an issue with members of the tribe, the tree-minder will feel it.  The tree-minder interprets the Hist's will so the tribe may carry it out.

Some tribes possess a sap-speaker, who is a direct intermediary with the Hist.  The sap-speaker will spend days or weeks at a time among the roots and canopy of the Hist; ingesting sap, eating the otherwise forbidden fruit of the tree, and using many hours of the day to indulge in solitary contemplation.  The sap-speaker emerges from their solitude with the knowledge they've acquired from the Hist during their long bouts of study.  Sap-speakers have been described by Argonians as "Saxhleel blessed by the Hist with second-eyes and second-ears".

Many tribes have an individual known as a root-herald, who works to protect their tribe's interests.  While some tribesmen hunt for wamasu, the root-herald hunts for information and fruitful relationships.  They foster relationships that benefit their tribe, such as negotiating trade agreements.  They also gather information from townsfolk and associates, such as stories and rumors from outside the tribe.  Some outsiders may liken their behavior to that of a spy, but such a concept is foreign to the Saxhleel.  A root-herald cannot serve their tribe without gathering stories and rumors.  Their purpose lies not in subterfuge or espionage.  Rather, the root-herald's purpose is closer to that of an ambassador, or someone who brings in news to the tribe from the outside world.

Life in the perilous swamp warrants the existence of kaal—war-captains.  The more war-like the tribe, the more this title is revered.  Some tribes also have a raj-kaal, or war-chief.  The name is self-explanatory: the raj-kaal is a war leader.  Tribes that value their warriors may have a ka-deelith, or war-teacher, who trains novices to become full-fledged fighters.  Argonian tribes also place great emphasis on their naheesh: their tribal elders.  They are the wisest members of the tribe, who carry the Root Talk and know all the sacred croaks and Chukka-Sei naming secrets.  The Root Talk is a solemn affair that usually occurs during the month of Hist-Tsoko, a time dedicated to wisdom and knowledge.  During Root Talk, the tribal elders recite the history of the Saxhleel.  Though the naheesh are greatly respected, their title does not indicate that they are in a position of power.  Another honorable title is that of the deelith: one who passes wisdom to another.  There is also the raj-nassa—an elder leader, and raj-deelith—an elder teacher.  A tribe's elder leaders may determine what young Argonians must do to complete their rites of maturity, and the raj-deelith prepares the hatchlings for the rite.

Argonian arms and armor differ between tribes, and designs have changed with the passage of time. Ancient Argonians from pre-Duskfall times used volcanic glass, elaborately layered cloth, leather, bone and bronze to arm and protect themselves.  Their weapons and armor were often adorned with feathers, dyed yarns, jewels, bronze emblems, and gold.  The use of metal is almost unheard of in many post-Duskfall aspects of Argonian craftsmanship.

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