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Classes do not determine your character's path, they provide a basis for the playstyle you desire to begin with. When selecting a class at character creation, you able to select from a range of abilities and spells, allowing you to create your own subclass.


A marksman, adept at combat at great distances. These individuals are armed with the ability to take down most foes before they have a chance to draw sword. 


As an archer you prefer to take out your enemies from afar, utitilzing a plethora of ranged attacks. Some archers are also expert trackers and survivalists.



Unafraid of light weaponry, they plow into the fray with little regard for injury. Masters of all melee tools, they put little faith in the magickal arts.


Warriors are frontline combatants, ranging from honorable knights in full plate to berserking barbarians in nothing but light patches of hide. They rely on physical attacks, and have full use of the weaponry at their disposal.


They use speed in combat rather than brute force. Persuasive in conversation, their tongues are as sharp as blades.

Rogues have a versatile playstyle, ranging from smoothing talking swindlers to cutthroat assassins. Whether you utilize magic to help conceal yourself from would be foes, or training in stealth, you have many ways to get your typically nefarious jobs done.



Preferring to use their extensive knowledge of all things magickal, they wield a might more powerful than the sharpest blade.

Mages have far more options than most. Whether you choose to embrace a single school like destruction, and smite your enemies into dust, or to use the power of Magicka alongside your skill with a blade. However you wish to harness this power is up to you.


Intelligent and personable, they prefer to accomplish tasks with their words first, and sword second. Most of these individuals are highly respected, mostly due to the fact of keeping their allies alive.

Their abilities range from healing magick to preventative magic like wards and fortifications.



Necromancers are mages that practice the forbidden dark arts of manipulating life force and the undead.

Armed with powerful yet costly magic, their greatest strength lays with the rituals they are able to conduct. Raising powerful thralls from the dead of various types of creatures. 
LIMITED ARCHETYPE (Obtainable in game play only)


Commoners are citizens that have not delved into magic or swordplay, choosing a different path. They are tradespeople, tavern workers, crafters and the like.

A commoner does not have access to the magic or combat abilities other classes get, but they are able craft weapons and armor, and are more efficient at most other professions as well. 


Tales of Tamriel

All lore and artwork belong to Bethesda and Zenimax Studios.

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