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Fighters Guild

"Do you like fighting?

Mercenary work too dull?

Soldiering too structured?

Find greater challenge and glory in the Fighters Guild!"

The Fighters Guild, present across most of Tamriel, provides a common and, more importantly, public place of training, study, and employment for those of a martial persuasion.

The guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries, protect commerce, capture or drive away beasts, and similar security duties.


Guild halls can take on a contract from any citizen, provided it does not conflict with the laws or customs of the region.



After the Potentate Versidue-Shaie conquered the rebelling princes, he was left with a chaotic land. He had spent the last of his armies and gold fighting the princes, and with no standing army left to guard the towns and villages, crime everywhere had skyrocketed. A solution was created when Dinieras-Ves "The Iron" suggested the creation of an order of mercantile warriors-for-hire. Originally called The Syffim, after the Tsaesci word for 'soldiers,' it was eventually changed to Fighters Guild. It was to be comprised of only Akaviri soldiers, but many men were needed, and the Tsaesci didn't understand the local geography and politics of where they were assigned, so natives were often recruited.


Third Era

The Fighters Guild gained greater prominence during the early Third Era under Emperor Uriel I. In 3E 397, the guild maintained a hall in Skyrim-occupied Western Dragonstar, led by Dominus. In 3E 405, the guild also operated in many locations around Iliac Bay. Many of their missions involved defeating harmful creatures, though their most important one involved saving spy Lord K'avar.

Guild Charter

I. Purpose

The Guild of Fighters provides employment to free-swords and mercenaries and contracts to local citizens. Citizens may contract with the Guild for the removal of creatures and pests, the delivery of goods on dangerous routes, the collection of beasts for the arenas, and other duties defined by the Guild Stewards.

II. Authority


The Guild of Fighters was established under the section 4 of the "Guilds Act," and this charter was first confirmed under the Potentate Versidue-Shaie in the 321st year of the Second Era.

III. Rules and Procedures

Any member of the Guild of Fighters who strikes or steals from another member shall be expelled from the Guild. Re-admittance is at the discretion of the Guild Stewards.

Citizens who contract with the Guild of Fighters and have a dispute may appeal first to the Guild Steward who accepted the contract and second with the authorities of each Province.

IV. Membership Requirements

The guild selects candidates who are strong and healthy. A candidate must have some proficiency with long blades, axes, blunt weapons, and shields. Guildsmen must be able to use and maintain heavy armor.

V. Applications for Membership

Candidates must present themselves to the Steward of the Guild Hall for examination and approval.


Wayrest Fighters Guild

The Fighters Guild has recently been restructured in Wayrest, the older members having since retired, or others leaving Wayrest due to the proximity of the war between the Thalmor and Hammerfell.

With the restructuring, leftover leadership have made a notice within Wayrest of them seeking new fighters.

Rank Structure

A list of ranks given to members of the guild. Raising ones status within the guild is typically an ambition of most members due to the perks and prestige that comes with it.


A rank given to new members, a probationary phase. Members with this rank are usually tasked with small tests to gauge their capability, and whether or not they have any future within the guild. They must get recommendations from other full members to advance.


Apprentices are full members of the guild, and gain access to all its contents and facilities. They must still handle tasks handed to them by higher ranking members, additionally they must get a recommendation by a Protector or above for advancement.


Journeyman are Fighters who have completed their apprenticeship and have shown themselves to be proficient in battle, and completing assigned contracts. They may take riskier contracts from the board or steward on their own. To advance, they must gain recommendations from a Protector or above.


Protectors have shown to be great fighters, they respect the rules of not only the guild, but the contracts they take. They show potential as a leader to others as well. Protectors are typically assigned to helping Associates and Apprentices get settled, and taking them on contracts. Advancement can be gained by request and approval with a Warder or above.


Warders are members who have shown they are capable in leading others, teaching new members, and fulfilling contracts without error. Warders are typically veteran members with respect of the guild leadership, and their fellow guild members.  They may take any member with them, on even the most dire of contracts.

Guild Steward

The steward handles the acquisition of most contracts from parties outside the guild. They also deal with contract disputes, and with governing bodies of the province their chapter works in. Steward's usually do not have time to go on contracts themselves, and are usually given the position after an injury, such as an arrow to the knee.



A Champion has proven themselves to be a exemplar to what a Fighter's Guild member should be. They are brave, honest, and extremely capable. They gain the respect of their peers, and have been deemed as a worthy successor to the Master should he retire or be rendered unable to lead by any circumstance.


The Master leads the chapter they are in, they establish rules within the guild, oversee recruitment, discipline, and promotions within the guild. 

(Note: This position is applied for via the Discord server. This is a faction head slot, therefore it is extremely high scrutiny. Abuse of this position will result in instant removal, and a possible ban on future limited slots.)

Joining the Fighters Guild

A member of the fighters guild is similar to a mercenary. You do not necessarily have to be good or evil. However, you will need to abide by the rules set forth by the guild.

Fighters Guild members rely primarily on their use of arms, such as swords, maces, armor, and the like. They do not use magick, with most finding magick to be a sign of weakness, or a crutch.

Most members value gold, some value fame and prestige. Building a character around all these things can make a great character for this faction, however anyone can join if they wish. Whether the character was created for this, or not, simply show up at the guild and ask to join.


Tales of Tamriel

All lore and artwork belong to Bethesda and Zenimax Studios.

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