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Imperial Legion

"Upon my honor I do swear undying loyalty to the Emperor… and unwavering obedience to the officers of his great Empire. May those above judge me, and those below take me, if I fail in my duty. Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire!"

The Imperial Legion, also known as the Red Legion, Imperial Army, Dragon-Tribe of the Emperor, and the Ruby Ranks, is the main fighting force of the Empire of Tamriel. It is often pluralized as the Imperial Legions. Headquartered in the Imperial City Prison, they operate under the auspices and authority of the Emperor himself. With its vast numbers, quality training, and rigid discipline, the Legion is considered one of the best armies ever assembled in history.


The primary mission of the Imperial Legion is to preserve the peace and rule of law in the Empire. Those who protect the Emperor and the Imperial Province are sometimes called the Imperial Guard and the Imperial Watch. A Legion Centurion is typically in command of the Palace Guard of the White Gold Tower.

In peacetime, the Legion serves primarily as a garrison force — manning forts, patrolling roads, and providing guardsmen for towns, cities, counties, and nobles. They are empowered to arrest criminals and seize their property, among other things. In wartime, the Legion's responsibilities and powers are greatly increased. During conflicts, the Legion serves as an invading and occupying force, overwhelming opposition with numerical superiority and strict economy of force. The aquatic equivalent of the Imperial Legion is the Imperial Navy, with the two often overlapping.

Rank Structure

General Officers | Unplayable

Grand Marshal: General and commander of all the Empire's military assets.

Admiral/General: These individuals are commanders of one or multiple legions. It is noted that at least one of them attends each meeting with the Elder Council, in order to forward any Elder Council decisions to the other generals and the Legionary's Council, where all military matters are discussed. Generals may choose to defy the Emperor's/Empress' direct orders. Magical projections are used to quickly pass orders around if no battlemages are available to do so.

Aide-de-Camp: These individuals act as a secretary to an Imperial general, in charge of recruiting and spreading information and orders.

Legate: The lowest general officers often associated with politics. Legates were below the rank of general, and would often command legions.

Senior Officers | Playable

Tribune: They serve in each legion below the rank of legate, and typically command local garrisons.

Prefect: These individuals serve in legions below the rank of tribune. They are the acting commander when the Tribune is not present or available.

Junior Officers


Centurion: The centurions have their own field armor and dress armor. Centurions are also a part of the palace guard in the Imperial City.

Chapter Steward: These individuals are known to deal with recruitment acting as garrison/legion quartermasters.

Optio: Optio's much like Queastor's ensure the discipline of the troops at a squad level. Ensure the orders and rules set forth by the Tribunes are followed. They also act as on the Field Leaders when doing patrols, and investigations for the legion.

Queastor: Queastors ensure the discipline of the troops at a squad level. Ensure the orders and rules set forth by the Tribunes are followed.


Soldier/Legionary/Legionnaire: The common foot soldier of the Imperial Legion, the most common rank by far.

Recruit: Citizens of the Empire who have been freshly recruited into the Imperial Legion.

Auxiliary: Non-citizen soldiers and provincials. They provided additional manpower when needed.

Playing a Legionnary
Slot Availability: OPEN

As a soldier in the Imperial Legion, you will be tasked with enforcing the laws and edicts of the Empire, as well as thwarting threats to its assets and citizens.

You will start off with a set of legionary armor and weapons and be given a weekly pay for your work. Stationing out of Wayrest, you work as the land's guard force and military. 


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