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"Warm sands guide your feet."

Khajiit are cat-like people who come from Elsweyr, known for high intelligence and agility. These traits make them very good thieves and acrobats, but Khajiit are also fearsome warriors.


They are rarely known to be mages. Khajiit mostly stay on land, but piracy and Skooma trade does draw some to work as sailors.

To immerse yourself in the role of a Khajiit in The Elder Scrolls, embrace their feline nature and mysterious demeanor. Create a character originating from the province of Elsweyr and choose a name that reflects their Khajiiti heritage. Physically embody a Khajiit with a lean and agile build, feline features, and distinctive fur patterns that range from sleek and black to vibrant and spotted.

Embrace the versatile nature of the Khajiit and adapt your character to excel in various playstyles. Khajiit are known for their agility and stealth, making them adept thieves and assassins. Consider specializing in skills such as sneaking, pickpocketing, and archery. Alternatively, focus on martial prowess by honing skills in one-handed weapons, light armor, and acrobatics, reflecting the Khajiit's natural dexterity and combat abilities.

Immerse yourself in Khajiit culture and lore, emphasizing their unique speech patterns and superstitions. Engage in quests that showcase their resourcefulness, cunning, and loyalty to their people. Explore their rich mythology, including tales of the Lunar Lattice and the Mane, the spiritual leader of the Khajiit. Embrace their enigmatic nature and let it shape your interactions and decision-making throughout your roleplaying adventure in The Elder Scrolls.

HEIGHT LIMIT: 210-250 (Pahmer-Raht), 162-192 (All Other Furstocks)

LANGUAGES: Tamrielic, Ta'agra

Racial Traits



Khajiit gain a natural +2 to their athletics.


Heightened Eyesight

Khajiit gain a natural +2 to their eyesight.


Claw Strike

Khajiit have naturally grown claws giving them an attack that does 1D6 damage + their strength damage.




Ohmes-Raht are known for their fiesty nature, and have gained a natural +2 to brawling.



Ohmes-Raht are known to be smooth talkers, they have a natural +2 to Speechcraft.



Smooth hands

Suthay-Raht are natural with their hands, and thus have a +2 to their legerdemain skill.


Speed Burst

Suthay-Raht conserve their energy so that they may move an additional +2 for one turn.




Cathay-Raht gain a +1 to Martial damage and +1 to their Physical aptitude.



Magical Connection.

Dagi-Raht are more intuned with the magic arts giving them a +1 to Magic Damage.

Street Smarts

Dagi-Raht have had time to sit down, relax and read a book. They have gained a natural +1 to their mental aptitude.


While this is not a LIMITED slot, Pahmer-Raht are uncommon and thus will be turned down if too many are on the server at a time.


Strong Arm

Pahmer-Raht have a +2 to their Martial Damage.



Pahmer-Raht's are allowed to move up to a half step towards an enemy of their choice.


Khajiit, the feline humanoid race in the Elder Scrolls universe, possess a fascinating array of physical traits, exhibiting various subraces with distinct appearances and abilities. Delve into the intricate details of their physical characteristics, subraces, fur patterns, claws, and strength:

   Playable Subraces:

  1. Suthay: The Suthay are sometimes, incomprehensibly for Khajiit themselves.  They are similar in height and build to the races of man, but like Suthay-Raht, they have digitigrade legs. They are completely covered in fur of different colors and patterns and have a tail. Claws are present on hands and feet, and their heads appear very cat-like.  Suthay are known to be good jumpers, agile, sneaky and having a bold spirit. This makes them good adventurers and traders. They are however not as good warriors as Cathay-raht.

  2. Cathay: Cathay Khajiit are among the most common Khajiit furstock, populating most regions and seen most often between Cyrodil and Skyrim.  They are larger and stronger than the Suthay while sharing almost all of their appearance traits aside from these.

  3. Cathay-raht: Still maintaining their agility, the Cathay-Raht are larger and more powerful jaguar-like Khajiit, often described as "jaguar-men." Often described as being more dexterous than even a werewolf, their imposing sized make them terrifying warriors to stand against.

  4. Pahmar Raht: Pahmar-raht are a giant form of Khajiit that can be found in Northern Elsweyr. They resemble tigers and are said to be the strongest fur-stock, and are usually deployed as bodyguards and warriors. Pahmar Raht are currently uncommon, slot availability is ​Inquire on Discord

    Overall Appearance:

Khajiit boast a unique blend of humanoid and feline features. Their bodies are structurally similar to humans and elves, with two legs and two arms. However, their heads possess striking cat-like traits. Topping their heads are ears that sit proudly, often adorned with intricate jewelry, capturing both cultural significance and personal flair. Khajiit eyes are mesmerizing orbs that hold a wide array of colors, ranging from vivid amber and striking green to radiant gold and captivating violet. These eyes possess an intensity that reveals their instinctual nature, while their sharp teeth and retractable claws emphasize their predatory lineage.



The fur of Khajiit exhibits remarkable diversity in color and pattern. Some display solid shades that span the color spectrum, including rich ebony, warm cinnamon, or sandy beige. Others flaunt captivating patterns such as stripes, spots, or intricate rosettes that mirror the majesty of wild felines. Fur textures can range from sleek and glossy to luxuriously soft and voluminous, tailored to each subrace's unique characteristics. Khajiit take pride in their fur, meticulously grooming and maintaining its appearance as a reflection of their individuality and identity.

Claws and Strength:

Khajiit possess retractable claws on both their fingers and toes, granting them a natural advantage in hunting, climbing, and combat. These claws are formidable weapons, capable of rending through armor and flesh alike. While their physical strength may not rival that of some larger races like Orcs or Nords, Khajiit compensate with unparalleled speed, agility, and reflexes. Their nimble movements and lightning-fast strikes make them exceptional in close-quarters combat, capable of delivering lethal blows with unmatched precision. Their feline reflexes and keen senses enable them to react swiftly to their surroundings, making them formidable adversaries in battle.

In summary, Khajiit possess a captivating range of physical traits, each subrace uniquely displaying distinct features and abilities. From the sleek and agile Suthay-raht to the towering and powerful Cathay-raht, Khajiit exhibit diverse appearances. Their fur showcases an assortment of colors and patterns, capturing the essence of their feline heritage. Retractable claws add a touch of lethal grace to their dexterous movements. While Khajiit may not possess raw physical strength, their unparalleled speed, agility, and reflexes make them formidable adversaries, ensuring their place as agile warriors and stealthy infiltrators within the realms of Tamriel.





Before the first Men or Mer set foot on Tamriel, the Khajiit were already native to the continent.  However, the origin of the cat-folk on Tamriel remains debated.  Legend speaks of the Khajiit to have originated from an intelligent feline race or being their cousins.  This belief could be supported by the interpretation of the encounter with four- and two-legged cat demons by Topal the Pilot to be ancient Khajiit, just as Tamriel was still being explored the first time by Aldmer.

Other theories speak of them being descendants of Aldmeri settlers, proved by the visual similarity of Ohmes and Ohmes-raht to Men and Mer, especially Bosmer. The Khajiiti creation myth suggests the Bosmer and Khajiit to have common ancestors; Azurah having taken the forest people that were torn between the shape of beast and man and given them the many shapes of the Khajiit. But with Y'ffre telling Nirni of Azurah's doings and shaping the remaining forest people into the Bosmer, this link was cut.



The Mane, while the unofficial head-of-state, is no more a "breed" of Khajiit than any other is; they are simply unique.  Khajiit tradition holds that only one Mane may be alive at any one time since the Mane is one entity reborn in different bodies with the passage of time.  The veracity of this is unknown, but there has been no recorded instance of multiple Manes contending for power.  The Khajiit are divided by two disparate ways of life: the civilized jungles and river basins of southern Elsweyr, which have ancient mercantile traditions, a stable agrarian aristocracy based on the exportation of saltrice and Moon Sugar, and a thriving artistic culture, which contrasts greatly with the nomadic tribe or pride-centric Khajiit of the dry northern wastes and grasslands, where aggressive and territorial raiders occasionally unite under a single chieftain.  It is widely held that the greatest force among the Khajiit are the Clan Mothers.  It is they, ultimately, who control both the harvest and refining of Moon Sugar, and thus they who are seen as the most influential.  Over the years, Khajiit frequently have had to deal with the worry of being kidnapped and sold into slavery, especially from Morrowind.

The Khajiit often refer to Moon Sugar as "crystallized moonlight", trapped by the glimmering waters of the Topal Sea and washed to the sugarcane groves of the Tenmar Forest by the tides, under the guidance of Hermorah.  The Khajiit believe that by consuming it, they are consuming a small portion of the eternal souls of the moon gods, Jone and Jode.  It drives them into fits of ecstasy and abandon, purportedly leaving the streets of Elsweyr's major cities strewn with catmen shivering in the grip of sugar-fits.  Despite the extremely addictive nature of the sugar, it is an integral part of Khajiit life and the chief export of Elsweyr, where it is smuggled out in both raw and refined forms.  It helps support a thriving black market; it is said one can purchase practically anything among the Khajiit. Khajiit of the desert tribes are often buried with only a small cairn of stones, so their bodies can be easily used by necromancers.

Moon-Singers are known as keepers of the lore and storytellers of ancient tales and legends.  Similar to the Bosmeri Spinners and Reachfolk Vateshrans, they are well respected among the Khajiit and are primarily found in Elsweyr.  Knowledge of some ancient tales, such as the tale of Khunzar-ri and the demons, are split across several Moon-Singers in order to maintain its secrets.

While the majority of Khajiit prefer to use their razor-sharp and retractable claws as weapons in numerous forms of Khajiiti martial arts like Goutfang, Whispering Fang and Rawlith Khaj, many have mastered the use of the sabre, scimitar, dagger, and longbow.  Their chosen mastery is often reflected in male Khajiit names, through which they display their status in life with the prefix; though care is always taken, for the use of two titles is perceived as the result of either great pride or ignorance.  While widely speculated, it is unknown whether the Khajiit are in any way related to the Po' Tun (currently Ka Po' Tun) cat people of Akavir or the Lilmothiit, a vulpine beast race which inhabited Black Marsh.

Tales of Tamriel

All lore and artwork belong to Bethesda and Zenimax Studios.

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