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Lycanthropy is a supernatural condition that causes a person to transform into a werebeast. Also known as werethings, werecritters, were-creatures, manbeasts, skin-changers, and skinshifters, these individuals are an unnatural cross between a beast and their original race.


Lycanthropy is a disease that seeps into the spirit. It is known as Hircine's Gift by those that view it as a blessing, and Hircine's Curse to those that see it negatively.

To effectively roleplay as a werewolf in the Elder Scroll universe, immerse yourself in the lore and characteristics associated with these creatures. Begin by understanding the physical and mental traits of a werewolf, such as enhanced strength, speed, and resilience, as well as an intense bloodlust and primal instincts.

Develop a distinct set of mannerisms and behaviors that reflect the predatory nature of a werewolf, such as heightened senses and a more instinctual approach to problem-solving. Explore the ongoing struggle for control and the temptation to give in to the beast's desires. When interacting with other characters, remember that werewolves are often feared and misunderstood in the world of The Elder Scrolls.


Roleplay the challenges of finding acceptance or concealing your true nature from others. Align your character's actions with their predatory instincts and their loyalty to the pack. Ultimately, immersing yourself in the werewolf lore and embracing the duality of your character's nature will enhance the roleplaying experience as a Werewolf in The Elder Scrolls universe.

HEIGHT LIMIT: Dependent on base race.
LANGUAGES: Dependent on base race.

Racial Traits


Ferocious Leap

A lycan may leap at any target up to five (5) tiles away. This can be used once per an intent, and costs no movement or stamina.


A lycan's bite can transfer its curse to its target. The target has three (3) days to have their disease removed before the transformation occurs.


Bestial Nature

When in lycan form, they achieve +2  to their strength & +2 to their endurance scores.

They also receive claws that deal +3 bonus damage.


Its most striking feature is its thick, coarse fur, which covers its entire body in a range of hues, such as shades of brown, gray, and black. The fur is dense and shaggy, providing excellent insulation and protection against the elements. In its human form, a Werewolf may have subtle hints of this fur on the backs of their hands or the nape of their neck, offering a glimpse of their hidden nature.

The Werewolf's teeth are formidable and sharp, designed for tearing through flesh and bone. Their canine teeth are elongated and razor-edged, protruding menacingly from their jaws. These fangs are powerful tools for hunting and feeding on their prey. Gleaming in the moonlight, the eyes of a Werewolf burn with a fiery intensity, often glowing a fierce amber or blood-red color. Their gaze is piercing and predatory, capable of instilling fear in any who meet it.

The physical prowess of a Werewolf is unparalleled. Its muscles ripple beneath its fur, exuding strength and power. Their frame is typically larger and more muscular than that of an average human, boasting an imposing physique. Werewolves possess incredible agility and speed, allowing them to navigate their environment with grace and swiftness. Their heightened senses, especially their acute sense of smell and hearing, aid them in tracking down prey and detecting any potential threats lurking in the shadows.

When transformed into their wolf-like shape, a Werewolf stands tall on powerful hind legs, reaching an impressive height of around seven to eight feet. Their limbs are sturdy and muscular, allowing them to move with incredible force and agility. These creatures embody a primal ferocity, embodying the raw strength and predatory instincts of both human and wolf.



Several symptoms can be displayed in those infected with lycanthropy. The afflicted may be plagued by vivid nightmares, and the wounds they received from their lycanthropic attacker may be deep and visible. Those infected with Sanies Lupinus may find themselves running into wild creatures, suffering strange injuries, or feeling drowsy before suddenly experiencing their senses sharpening. While not transformed, werewolves may find that they've grown more hair in unexpected places, such as their ears. Werewolf claws grow rapidly, and their fur has a tendency to become matted.

The most important and obvious effect of lycanthropy is the beast transformation itself. While in beast form, the lycanthrope has increased height and altered proportions, with one strain being recorded as having increased shoulder width, lengthened arms, narrowed hips, and increased leg height. The physical alteration grants the werebeast enhanced strength, speed, resilience, and stamina, as well as enchanted claws that can harm creatures that are immune to conventional weaponry. Lone werewolves are almost never far from their pack; engaging them alone is a grave mistake. A werewolf's howl can not only call other werewolves to the beasts' aid, it can call forth regular wolves and bears as well. Werebeasts are affected mentally as well, as they experience intense bloodlust. In extreme cases, the victim experiences difficulties remembering what they did while transformed, or they become delirious. Werewolves who starve themselves can turn feral, putting them at risk of being unable to control their base impulses should they encounter a mortal. Starving werewolves may kill impulsively or find their self-control is only restored when their hunger is sated.

Lycanthropes are commonly believed to have an aversion to specific herbs. Canis root is believed to ward off werebears, while wolfsbane and belladonna are both known to be poisonous to werewolves and are used as components of remedies for the disease. The juice of ripened belladonna berries causes a werewolf's veins to shrivel, and wolfsbane petals render their bones brittle. Poisons and silver weapons are also considered especially effective against werewolves. Even the weakest of poisons are effective against towering werebeasts.

The circumstances of the transformation seem to vary wildly between individuals or strains of lycanthropy. Some lycanthropes transform every full moon, while others transform every night. Others seem able to choose when they transform, and some have the ability to resist transforming entirely. The strength of a lycanthrope's bloodlust also varies. Some individuals experience an uncontrollable desire to kill, and others are able to maintain nearly complete control during a transformation. In the worst cases, an individual who lacks the willpower to control a transformation may turn feral, becoming little more than a mindless beast. Generally, werebeasts do not revert to their original form upon death, but there are some exceptions to this rule.

A few effects of lycanthropy are present outside of transformation. The aforementioned bloodlust being a notable instance, as even in human form, the afflicted may still feel the desire to hunt and kill. Lycanthropes are immune to all diseases and experience fitful sleep. They also may retain subtle physical traits outside of beast form, such as scents or small patches of fur. Lycanthropy also has spiritual effects that persist after death. Most lycanthropes go to Hircine's Hunting Grounds after death, rather than the afterlife they would otherwise have received. However, this doesn't always seem to be the case. A priest from the Cult of the Ancestor Moth who lived during the Interregnum described the notion of Hircine "claiming" the souls of all lycanthropes as "poetic and misleading," stating that mortals decide the destinations of their own souls through the choices they make in life. A notable example of werewolves who were directed somewhere other than the Hunting Grounds is the werewolves who served King Styriche as soldiers in the Gray Host. The entire Gray Host, including its werewolves, were damned to Coldharbour due to a pact Styriche made with Molag Bal. Another notable example was Faolchu the Changeling, whose soul was pledged to Molag Bal when Angof the Gravesinger resurrected the werewolf in his conquest of Glenumbra. After Faolchu's defeat, his soul was sent to Coldharbour, where he was punished by Molag Bal for his failure to keep the Lion Guard from retaking Camlorn.

Hircine can grant great power and control over lycanthropy to favored worshipers. These boons are usually granted by specific artifacts, such as the Ring of Hircine. Additionally, those favored by Hircine may be granted the ability to transform entirely into a beast as opposed to a werebeast. For example, Hircine's Packmaster has the ability to transform into a wolf rather than a werewolf.

Circa 2E 582, the Gray Host developed a mysterious disease to target rogue werewolf packs in Blackreach. The incubation of this disease is known to vary between individuals. The disease forces a lycanthrope into their beast form and drives them feral as their minds degrade. The victims of this disease lose their mind and the ability to control their transformations. One of the most dangerous effects of this disease is that it is contagious; those who are near someone with this infection can become infected themselves. An alchemist named Rasir was able to create a cure for the ailment, which had been devastating the Dark Moon Grotto werewolf refugee community.

Tales of Tamriel

All lore and artwork belong to Bethesda and Zenimax Studios.

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