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Mages Guild

The Mages Guild, also known as the Guild of Mages, was a professional organization, once located throughout Tamriel, that was dedicated to the study and application of magicka and alchemy


The Mages Guild was led by an Arch-Mage and guided by the Council of Mages, made up of six Archmagisters, one of whom was the Arch-Mage. By the Third Era, the Arch-Mage and the Council of Mages were headquartered at the guild's Arcane University in the Imperial City. The Council decided important Guild policies, such as its policy on the use of Necromancy, and also administered recruitment, sale of spells in each local Guild Hall, and the enforcement of Guild law. The rules of the Guild varied from location to location, some differences more drastic than others. In addition, Guild Halls existed in most cities in Tamriel, each of which was run by a local Guild Magister, alternatively known as a Hall Magister. Below the Magister were the Master of Incunabula, alternatively called the High Incunabulist, and the Master at Arms. The Master of Incunabula had a counsel of two, the Master of Academia and the Master of the Scrye. The Master at Arms also had a counsel, the Master of Initiates and the Palatinus, the leader of the local chapter of the Order of the Lamp.

Its charter from the Emperor specified that the guild must provide magic services to the public. Anyone could purchase potions, alchemical ingredients, magical items, and a selection of standard spells from the guild. However, training, goods, and services were cheaper for members, and the guild stewards were sometimes able to provide members with work. Furthermore, exclusive services such as spellmaking and enchanting, deemed potentially dangerous to the public at large, were only made available to higher-ranked guild members in good standing. The guild also has rules about fraternization and lewd advances.

Second Era

The Mages Guild was founded by Vanus Galerion circa 2E 230 as a way of centralizing magic and thus moving away from the many separate groups like the Psijic Order of which Galerion was a member that had dominated the study of magic until that time. In fact, the Psijic Order had already been falling out of grace with society. Its policy of isolationism led to mistrust, and its religion, best described as a type of ancestor worship, was an increasingly unfashionable philosophy by the Second Era. With the formation of the Mages Guild, Galerion spread knowledge of the magical arts to the layman, selling magical items, potions, and scrolls to the general populace. As such, magic was no longer restricted to the aristocracy or intelligentsia. Galerion named the office of the high guildmaster the Arch-Mage in memory of Shalidor, the first recorded mage to claim the title.

The idea of Mages, Sorcerers, and assorted Mystics pooling their resources for the purpose of research and public charity was a revolutionary concept in the early Second Era. Galerion sought to prove the benefit of spellcasters working in close proximity, not for a mighty ritual, but for study, experimentation, and a sense of camaraderie. Thus, Galerion received the animosity of all. Operating out of Firsthold, Galerion was brought before his former mentor, Iachesis, the King of Firsthold, Rilis XII, and other notable nobles and members of the Psijic Order in the "Charter Conclave" of 2E 230 to state the intentions of the fraternity he was forming. This meeting was the consequence of a fearful commonfolk, who had urged their king to settle the issue of "Galerion's Folly" as it was known at the time. Kinlord Rilis instead saw in it a way to play both sides against each other. While Galerion's speech was not recorded for posterity, creating much scholarly interest into what lies and persuasions Galerion must have used, the charter was approved. Some posit that Rilis approved the charter merely to further his own ends, but can be considered a sort of co-founder to the Mages Guild, despite his later pacts with Daedra and sadistic tendencies. Before his cruelty became well-known, the common folk would believe that the Kinlord had made a deal with "dangerous mages", a misconception the Guild hastily sought to rectify. The Guild Act of 2E 231 further confirmed the Mages Guild and sanctioned its presence within the Second Empire.

Immediately following the formation of the Guild, the question of security had to be addressed. Initially hiring guards, Galerion realized what the Tamrielic nobility had known for centuries; that money alone did not buy loyalty. To this end, Galerion formed the knightly Order of the Lamp.

Third Era

Third Era In the late Third Era, the Mage's Guild maintained close relations with the Imperial Battlemages, who acted as guards for the Arcane University. During this time, a young Martin Septim was an apprentice of the Guild. However, like many of his peers, he grew impatient with its restrictions and worshipped Sanguine instead. Through this alternative path, he delved into the mysteries of daedric magic, seeking knowledge and power.


Wayrest Mages Guild

With most of the mages guild being dissolved and there no longer being an overseeing body for the guild itself, the remaining halls around Tamriel became self-governed, if they did not disband entirely.

The Wayrest Mages guild stands to this day and continuously strives to be a proud establishment for mages seeking to learn how to harness the power of Magicka. As such the guild can create its own rules and laws within itself; however, the guild must be careful not to draw the attention of the Empire, or worse, the Thalmor.


Rank Structure

A list of ranks given to members of the guild. Raising one's status within the guild is typically an ambition for most members due to the perks and prestige that comes with it.


A rank given to new members, a probationary phase. Members with this rank are usually tasked with small tests to gauge their capability, and whether or not they have any future within the guild. They must get recommendations from other full members to advance.


Apprentices are full members of the guild, and gain access to all its contents and facilities. They must still handle tasks handed to them by higher ranking members, they must get a recommendation by an Evoker or above for advancement.


Journeyman are mages who have completed their apprenticeship, and have shown themselves to be proficient in the school of magick they wish to pursue, or perhaps have shown enough talent in multiple schools. To advance, they must gain the recommendation o fan Evoker or higher.


Members at this rank have proven themselves to be talented mages with either Destruction, Restoration, or Alteration, and have dedicated a respectable amount of time and effort to the betterment of themselves and the guild. Evokers may take an apprentice as their own personal student, guiding them and helping them become better mages. Evokers may only advance when a Master Wizard or Archmage deem it necessary.


Members at this rank have proven themselves to be talented mages with either Conjuration, Illusion, or Mysticism, and have dedicated a lot of time and effort to the betterment of themselves and the guild. Evokers may take an Apprentice as their own personal student, guiding them and helping them become better mages. Promotions received by either the Master Wizard or Archmage when seen fit.


Magicians help oversee the teaching of new students, ensuring that the proper curriculum is being used, and that no rules are being broken within the guild. They report both talent, recommendations, and bad behavior to the council. Magicians may also assign tasks to any members below them that they see fit.


The rank of wizard are only given to Magicians who have earned a spot on the Mages Guild Council. They assist the Master-Wizard and Archmage on decisions on Promotions, banishments, and rules regarding magic. They also discuss events within Wayrest, and decide courses of action for the guild along with the Arch-mage and Master-wizard.

Master Wizard

The Master Wizard is the second in command behind the Archmage. If the Archmage is unavailable, the Master Wizard becomes the acting head of the guild, and inherits the title of Archmage should the Archmage die, or become incapable of leading.

The Master Wizard is capable of promoting lower ranking individuals based on merit, by their own free will.


The Archmage is the undisputed leader of the Mages Guild in Wayrest. All decisions are ultimately decided by them, they have full power over who joins the guild, laws they wish to impose on magecraft for members in the guild and just about everything else.


The Archmage relies on his council of wizards for guidance and advice, but ultimately makes the decision themselves in the end. They can promote, demote and remove all the individuals below them.

(Note: This position is applied for via the Discord server. This is a faction head slot, therefore it is extremely high scrutiny. Abuse of this position will result in instant removal, and a possible ban on future limited slots.)

Joining the Mages Guild

Joining the guild is an in-character process. Make your character, and approach the guild hall. Seek a current member or its leadership to receive an invitation. It is recommended to play a magick focused class when joining this faction, however, it is also possible to have your class changed to a magick focused class upon joining via in-character training.

Tales of Tamriel

All lore and artwork belong to Bethesda and Zenimax Studios.

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