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You may choose from a variety of different professions, giving you the ability to create unique items used for roleplay and Player-versus-Player interactions.

These professions will be a large part in driving our economy, while creating real value to gold that lasts through our long, long seasons.

All professions will require items needed to craft, some examples of these items can be gathered in the world, where as some must be purchased in shops for gold.

This will ensure that money is taken out of the economy to avoid inflation, and an attempt to combat the effect where gold is incredibly abundant to the point that it becomes worthless.


Alchemists specialize in the brewing of potions, drugs, and more. They typically rely on herbalists, as well as merchants for better prices on shop items needed for their crafts.



Herbalists require herbs of many types, able to craft potent salves and healing regents necessary to aid ailing heroes. These individuals usually rely on the assistance of others for their craft.



Blacksmiths are able to craft various armors. They require a myriad of materials for their craft, the cost and type of each depending on the quality of the item they intend to create.



Carpenters primarily work with wood, creating items such as hafts for weapons, bows, or even siege equipment. The basis for shields, arrows and furniture come from these individuals.



The surveyor explores the countryside, deep caves, or anywhere they can find precious metals, stones or lumber. This profession provides the needed materials for both carpenters and blacksmiths.



Merchants are great at bartering for goods, receiving special prices at the East Empire Trading Company, allowing them to purchase the required items for professions at a cheaper price. They may also sell ingredients and spices at the East Empire Trading Company.



A hunter skilled in tracking and taking down the beasts of the land to obtain hides. Pelts and meats are also collected alongside the skill of tanning to sell off hides and pelts for profit.



Armourers, much like blacksmiths, have honed the ability to shape metals into useable equipment. Such examples include full-plated armours or typical light armours such as those made of leather or hide.



Enchanters are mages who have taken up the School of Enchanting and as such, have made it their profession to enchant mediocre items, transforming them into mystical items with lowly magical traits.


Clothier creates tools for physical mending, such as bandages, but also crafts robes for all types of mages and mundane clothing for the typical civilian.



A Jeweler, trained in creating flawless gems, small beautiful crafts for protection, enhancements and beautification. Most of these are small amulets, rings or necklaces.


Tales of Tamriel

All lore and artwork belong to Bethesda and Zenimax Studios.

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