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Thieves Guild

"There have always been thieves' guilds. What we haven't had before is proper organization, and a decent set of rules for outlaws to live by. If our Abah's Landing Thieves Guild is successful, who knows—maybe outlaws elsewhere in Tamriel will adopt our tenets."

The Thieves Guild is a secretive organization operating in the shadows, dedicated to the art of theft, subterfuge, and illicit activities. They excel in stealing valuable items, conducting heists, and maintaining a network of fences to sell stolen goods, all while maintaining their own code of honor and hierarchy among their ranks.


The Thieves Guild is dedicated to the gathering and training of those who are stealthy and shadowy in nature. Although criminal by its very definition, for untold years, local authorities in places throughout Tamriel have tolerated the existence of the guild for its role as "crime regulator," as it does not tolerate competition or egregious conduct from its members (not to mention the personal financial benefits for authorities who play nice). It is usually considered to be a distinctly Imperial entity, though of course other organizations of the Empire do not officially condone their actions.

Like any trade guild, the Thieves Guild is an organization of professionals, except that in this case, the professionals are burglars, robbers, pickpockets, smugglers, and other enterprising operators. They typically don't have public guild halls but sometimes have safe-houses, and members tend to gather at a single location in large towns, such as at a cornerclub, inn, or tavern. Typically, members are bound not to rob each other, kill anyone while thieving, or rob the poor. The Thieves Guild usually has the resources to bribe officials, establish a black market of stolen goods, and maintain a network of informants.

The guild can trace its origins back to the Thieves Guild of Abah's Landing, a criminal organization that existed in the city during the Interregnum.


Even thieves have rules, and a code of honor amongst themselves. Typically each guild has their own rules that varies, the Wayrest Thieves Guild tenets are as follows:

  • Never steal from another member of the guild. You must replace whatever you have stolen, either the item itself or the gold.

  • Never kill while on the job. We are thieves, not assassins or murderers, avoid a fight if at all possible, and if you need to fight, try to do so just enough to escape

  • Never steal from the poor. Take from the wealthy. 

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Wayrest Thieves Guild

With war very close to Wayrest, various merchants peddaling items, and the newly settled East Empire Trade Company here in Wayrest, the Thieves Guild is now setting up shop.

Setting up fences for stolen goods, safehouse, a good network for thieves and informants.

How to Join

To join the thieves guild, you must first find them in-character. They are a bit more secretive than the other guilds, so you'll have to ask around!



Rank Structure

Ranks within the thieves guild do not carry as much weight or benefit as it would in other guilds. Increase in rank usually represents a thief's skill, and respect above all else.


The rank given to new recruits the Thieves Guild. Show your prowess by bringing in loot from your scandalous endeavors to advance. This is basically a probationary phase for recruits, to find out if they can be trusted.




Master Thief


Full members of the guild, given full access to the network and meetings conducted by the guild.

Blackcaps have shown their ability to pull of heists, and the ability to work with other thieves to pull off more elaborate jobs.

Skilled thieves who show great aptitude for leading others. Prowlers help the Guildmaster enforce the rules of the guild, and root out possible spies within or outside of the guild itself.

An honorific title. Master Thieves have pulled off a great job, or performed some very noteworthy feat for the guild itself to achieve this.They are second in line of command to the Guildmaster themself. They can promote and demote other members.


The guildmaster oversees all the operations of the guild, recruitment and removals. They everything is running smoothly, handle disputes, promotions, and all in between.

(Note: This position is applied for via the Discord server. This is a faction head slot, therefore it is extremely high scrutiny. Abuse of this position will result in instant removal, and a possible ban on future limited slots.)

How to Play

The Thieves Guild is not an 'evil' organization. They are not murderers or assassins. They do not take from others through brute force. They are more akin to Robin Hood.

When playing a member of the Thieves Guild, your goal is usually to make coin, or  even a name for yourself. Playing characters based around sneaking, and subterfuge, charismatic  individuals included. Combat is fine, but remember, they are not bandits. 

Tales of Tamriel

All lore and artwork belong to Bethesda and Zenimax Studios.

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